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Código: TI00011
Fabricante: Til
Mercados: Aire Seguridad
The Technisonic RC-500 remote control head provides for remote slaved operation of the TFM-500 dual band transceiver while the RC-550 remote control head provides the same function for the TFM-550 three band transceiver. These microprocessor controlled remotes allow for a second person at a location other than the flight deck to exercise frequency control or editing of any or all of the memory positions available in the transceiver. The RC-500 and RC-550 weigh just 1 lb. and require less than 2 inches (mounting depth) behind the standard 5.75 in. (W) by 3.0 in. (H) Dzus mounted panel. Data transfer between transceiver and remote is at 9600 baud via a three wire RS-232 serial interface. Both RC-500 and RC-550 are available with red or green display (green standard) and 28 VDC or 5.0 VDC backlighting (28 VDC standard). Operating voltage is 28 VDC at 1.0 Amp max.