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Código: IX00011
Fabricante: Ixblue
iXBlue offers a complete range of high-grade subsea gyrocompasses, attitude heading reference systems (AHRS) and inertial navigation systems (INS) made possible by the mastery of fiber-optic gyroscope (FOG) technology. They are used for the most demanding hydrographical and subsea survey, construction and vessel positioning applications to provide accurate motion sensing and compensation.
*Subsea construction
*Dredging and drilling operations
*Subsea vehicle positioning (remotely operated vehicles, ROV, and autonomous underwater vehicles, AUV)
*Multibeam and sonar motion references
PHINS 6000 is a subsea inertial navigation system (INS) providing position, true heading, attitude, speed, depth, and heave for deep water operations. Its high-accuracy inertial measurement unit is coupled with an embedded digital signal processor that runs an advanced Kalman filter. PHINS DVL Ready is pre-assembled and pre-calibrated with a Doppler velocity log version making the system easy to install and ready to use for more precise navigation.