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Código: ME00012
Fabricante: Memsic
The MXR9500MZ is a high performance three axis accelerometer fabricated on a standard, submicron CMOS process. The MXR9500MZ measures acceleration with a full-scale range of ±1.5g and a sensitivity of 500mV/g @3.0V at 25°C. Its operation is based on our patented MEMS-thermal technology which provides key beneficial operating characteristics for automotive applications. Our sensing technology provides unsurpassed vibration immunity with an inherent low-pass frequency response of ~17Hz eliminating errors attributable to vehicle vibrations and other out-of-band accelerations. There are truly no moving parts and no error causing sensor structure resonances thus providing more accurate acceleration measurements with lower field failures than competitive technology. It has no measurable thermal or mechanical hysteresis. It is ideally suited for in-vehicle low-g acceleration measurement applications. Acceleration outputs are available in a ratiometric analog output. Specifications Axes: 3(XYZ) Range: 1.7 Output: Analog Sens'ty: 0.5 V/g Offset Drift: 1 BW: 17 Noise: 2.5 Supply Voltage: 2.7 - 3.6 Sleep Mode: Y Size: 7 x 7 Temp Comp: On Features and Benefits *Tri-axis accelerometer in a single package. *Excellent Z performance *2.7V to 3.6V single supply continuous operation *Package Size: 7 x 7 x 1.8mm Applications General Purpose three Axis Acceleration Measurements Up Down Mapping for Vehicle Navigation/Infotainment Systems