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Mini-Flight Data Acquisition Unit (MFDAU)

Código: TC00006

Fabricante: Teledyne Controls

Teledyne Controls

Mercados: Aire Seguridad

Mandatory Compliance, Aircraft Condition Monitoring and Data Recording is achieved in one unit. Teledyne Controls? Mini-Flight Data Acquisition Unit (MFDAU) provides Business and Regional aircraft operators with significant cost savings over three LRU configurations (DAU, DMU and QAR/DAR) by reducing weight, wiring, rack space and most significantly, the cost of two additional LRUs. Furthermore, the MFDAU can be utilized as either a stand-alone data acquisition system or as a complementary unit to reinforce an existing DAU system onboard the aircraft.

Key Features
3-in-One Data Management Solution
Experience countless benefits with Teledyne Controls? enhanced MFDAU. This 3-in-one system provides the functionality of the mandatory Data Acquisition Unit (DAU), with an option for a Data Management Unit (DMU) and a recorder (QAR/DAR) in a single Line Replaceable Unit (LRU), to reinforce and promote a high performance data management program.
*Dual independent Power PC processors which ensures isolation to allow fully programmable ACMS without recertification issues
*Combines mandatory, ACMS and recording capabilities
*Software loadable using ARINC 615 Airborne Data Loader (ADL/PDL)
*ACMS software is fully user programmable using Teledyne Controls Windows®-based Applications Generation Station (AGS)
*Integral PCMCIA module for recording maintenance data as well as copy of DFDR data
*The MFDAU is capable of outputting data to one or two Flight Data Recorders (FDR) at a rate of up to 2,048 words per second
*Capable of interfacing with ASCB (Version A, B or C) and CSDB busses
*Capable of receiving and merging existing ARINC 573/717 DFDR data with additional acquired parameters
*Accepts signals from different aircraft sensors; analog, discrete and digital data bus inputs

MFDAU Interfaces
MFDAU Interfaces
*Harvard-BiPhase (DFDR) Recorder Inputs (up to 2)
*Recorder Outputs
*Harvard-BiPhase (DFDR/DAR) (up to 2)
*BipolarRZ (QAR) (1)
*Audio Synchronization (AMU-CVR) (1)
*PCMCIA ATA, Type II or form-factor (1)
*ARINC 429 Peripherals (up to 4)

MFDAU Inputs
*Three wire analog input channels (up to 53)
*Aircraft Standard Communications Bus (ASCB) digital serial inputs (Version A, B or C) and CSDB (up to 8)
*Flight Data Entry Panel (FDEP) for documentary data inputs
*Shunt Series and AC Type Discrete inputs (up to 128)
*ARINC 429 inputs (up to 29)

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