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Código: CR00003
Fabricante: Core
Mercados: Aire Seguridad
The AMD Embedded G-Series SOC delivers a high performance, low-power System-on-Chip (SOC) processor that includes error-correction code (ECC) memory support, dual and quad-core variants, integrated discrete-class GPU and I/O controller on the same multicore die. CoreAVI provides high performance embedded OpenGL ES and OpenGL SC graphics and H.264/MPEG2 video decode drivers for the G Series SoC, with support for a number of system configurations and RTOSs including Wind River VxWorks, DDC-I Deos, Green Hills INTEGRITY and customer proprietary OSs. Product options include a DO-178C certifiable version of the driver (up to Design Assurance Level A) for safety critical environments, including all certification evidence required for regulatory approval. * ?Extended temperature screened * H.264/MPEG2 video decode driver support for RTOS * 20+ year supply program * O?penGL driver support for RTOS * OpenCL GP/GPU driver support for RTOS * ED-12C/DO-178C Level A data package