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Código: TI00024
Fabricante: Til
Mercados: Aire Seguridad
These ACCESS/A TSO'd high performance Audio Management Systems from Technisonic significantly advance the "state of the art" in airborne audio. Both systems offer multiple band pass amplifiers enabling independent audio contouring for receive audio, transmit (mic) audio and music. All floating and transformer isolated input and output architecture provides for elimination of ground loop and other interference paths resulting in extremely high noise rejection. A powerful output stage delivers a total of 1,500 mW of audio providing more than adequate audio level for support of up to eight users, or more with optional A770 or A775 eyebrow panel through the controller expansion bus The A710 and A711 support up to six transceivers plus PA which can be a 7th transmit position and support all headset impedances from 8 to 600 Ohms. Individual transceiver status enunciation provides quick confirmation of selected transceiver(s). Both units offer simulcast capability for up to three transceivers. The A710 requires that audio input levels be set at each individual transceiver while the A711 provides separate panel level controls for all transceiver inputs. Both units support the optional voice alerting module which provides voice alerting for critical warnings and support the built-in CVR amplifier. Drop-in Lexan labels make it simple to customize each installation. See Display Legend Template for ACCESS/A Controllers at the end of this page.