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Código: AC00010
Fabricante: ACR Artex
Mercados: Aire Seguridad
Emergency Locator Transmitter Online Testing Service Model Number: www.406Test.com Test your 406 MHz Emergency Locator Transmitter through the Cospas-Sarsat satellite system to ensure the ELT is working properly and the installation has been completed correctly. Emergency Locator Transmitter Online Testing Service Model Number: www.406Test.com Test your 406 MHz Emergency Locator Transmitter through the Cospas-Sarsat satellite system to ensure the ELT is working properly and the installation has been completed correctly. More Information With 406Test.com, you can test your beacon through-the-satellite using the test function of the 406 MHz ELT to comply with annual inspections and during initial installations. In addition, our system automatically lets you know when your aircraft is due its annual inspection and when it is time to inspect your ELT. Currently the most expensive part of 406 MHz ELT certification is the up-front cost for all of the test equipment needed to ensure the beacon and antenna are working properly. This equipment can easily run a facility over $5,000 to be set up to test 406 MHz ELTs?but not any more. With 406Test.com, the actual installed ELT is the only equipment you need. Simply perform a self-test and receive instant alerts on your cell phone if that Test Passed and print the certificate. With 4 simple steps, you can certify an ELT: * Log into your 406Test.com account and enter the aircraft's information * Perform a self-test of the fully installed 406 MHz ELT directly though the satellite system * Verify that the self-test was received by the satellites via notification from your cell phone * Print the FAA compliant certification Database Management * House all of your vital aircraft, facility and beacon information in one easy-to-use database. * Track which ELT is being used in a particular aircraft * Receive email reminders when an annual inspection is due * Receive reminders for battery and registration replacement *Pull up ELT certificates from years past * Perform self-tests faster by having all of your aircraft, inspectors, facilities and ELTs pre-loaded into the system